A rack grade AK47 is one of the greatest battle rifles ever designed. While many will argue which battle rifle is the “best” the AK almost always makes the list for consideration. The AK does suffer some setbacks. It is an old design. The ergonomics favor smaller shooters. The iron sights are poor in low light and the system does not lend well to installing optics. Continue reading Improved AK Series – Updating a Classic
Category Archives: Videos
Mail Call Mondays Season 2 #37 – Barrel Length
Bushnell AR Optics 1-4x24mm Throw Down PCL First Look
We recently received a new Bushnell AR Optics 1-4x24mm rifle scope. Our first impression is this scope offers a lot of value for the price. They retail for approximately $230.
The AR Optics 1-4×24 features a First Focal Plane BTR-1 reticle and 0.1 mRad turrets. The BTR-1 is a bullet drop compensated reticle designed for the .223 cartridge. When we do our full review we will report back with what bullet and muzzle velocity match up with the reticle. Continue reading Bushnell AR Optics 1-4x24mm Throw Down PCL First Look
Mail Call Mondays Season 2 #36 – Math, Hiding from your Wife, Reloading Manuals and more!
Mail Call Mondays Season 2 #35 – Optimal Charge Weight (OCW) and Optimal Barrel Time (OBT)
Is Starbucks going Anti-Gun?
In an open letter from CEO Howard Schultz on Starbucks’ website, Shultz asks:
“…today we are respectfully requesting that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas—even in states where “open carry” is permitted—unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”
Shultz cites growing tension between the pro and anti-gun groups as well as a long standing desire just to be left out of the argument. Continue reading Is Starbucks going Anti-Gun?
HSGI Double Decker Taco – First Look
I use a wide array of rifle systems. This can be somewhat difficult when it comes time to setup my gear. One day I may be running an AK, another day it may be an AICS based rifle. The next day I may be using an AR15 or AR10. All use vastly different magazines. Of course there is the option to setup different rigs for each system. There is also the option to just purchase separate magazine pouches and swap them out for each system. A better option is the HSGI Double Decker Taco. Continue reading HSGI Double Decker Taco – First Look
Mail Call Mondays Season 2 #34 – Rifle Accessories, Crimping, Mil/MOA Conversion and more!
Aegis Armory “The Shield” Hybrid Holster Review

Recently I was contacted by Stephen at Aegis Armory, inquiring if I would like to take a look at the holsters they produce. Since carrying a handgun is a requirement of my profession (and just good common sense), I agreed. I jumped over to their Facebook page and took a look at what they offered. Continue reading Aegis Armory “The Shield” Hybrid Holster Review
The Supported Prone Position
Arguably the most stable and accurate rifle position is the supported prone position. Most of us began our rifle training with this position. It is one of the easier positions to master and is the primary position used in most “tactical” precision rifle matches. What better reason to start our Precision Rifle Skills Series with the Supported Prone position. Continue reading The Supported Prone Position