Hornady Manufacturing Inc. has recently released a statement on their website suspending production of lower demand products. Citing the unprecedented demand for their most popular products, Hornady stated that they cannot justify the machine downtime to produce the lower demand items. Hornady has posted a list of products that they will be producing to the end of 2013. If your favorite bullet is not on the list, you better stock up now! Continue reading Hornady Suspends Production of 178gr BTHP and Other Lower Demand Bullets
Category Archives: News
Magpul Special Edition PMAG30 AR15 Magazines
Get them while you can. For a limited time Magpul is offering a special run of their “Boulder Airlift” and “Free Colorado” PMAGS. They are available on their online store while supplies last. The proceeds will go towards the legal battle against unconstitutional firearms laws in Colorado!
Inteliscope Tactical Rifle Adapter

It seems more and more “video game” type technology is creeping into the firearms world these days. Previously we brought you information on the amazing new systems from TrackingPoint that adds digital video and ballistics to the long range, precision rifle. We just caught wind of a new product that is more on the “ramen noodle” budget. A company called Inteliscope is set to release an adapter that allows you to mount an iPhone or iPod Touch to the top of a picatinny rail equipped rifle. This along with a companion app will allow you to use your iDevice as a 1-5x rifle scope. The form factor appears to be geared mainly towards AR type firearms, but could possibly be used on other high “height over bore” systems like some bolt action chassis systems. The company is taking pre-orders with a June 2013 ship date. We have no other information at this time, but this looks like a neat gadget. It may have some tactical applications if the durability is there, however it appears that the Inteliscope adapter does not provide any waterproofing or impact protection for the iPhone, thus limiting the environments it can be used in.
TrackingPoint XactSystem upsetting anti-gunners.
TrackingPoint, a Texas based firearms company begins shipping their XactSystem Precision Guided Firearms. It seems that already the anti-gun fanatics are crying that the sky is falling.
We took a look at the XactSystem at the 2013 SHOT Show and got some trigger time on their .338LM version. The system uses a sighting system with built in laser rangefinder and ballistic computer. You simply “tag” the target with a control button mounted near the trigger. This places an icon on the target in the field of view and calculates a firing solution. When the operator is ready to fire, he depresses the trigger and then placed the center of the crosshair over the “tag”. When the two coincide, the system commands the rifle to fire.
In a story by ABC News gun control proponents are already whipping their public into a frenzy with untruths and exaggeration. Continue reading TrackingPoint XactSystem upsetting anti-gunners.
MI M16 Bolt Carrier Groups in Stock
Precision Rifle Book
Several weeks back we posed a question to you on our Facebook page. We asked if you would be interested in a Precision Rifle book covering the fundamentals of precision rifle shooting. The answer was a resounding yes. In response to this we have started the project and home to have it completed by the end of the year. We are taking our time and doing it right. Continue reading Precision Rifle Book