All posts by John McQuay

John McQuay began his career as a US Marine Corps Scout Sniper. After leaving the Marine Corps as a Sergeant, he went to work for a large Indiana police department. There he worked in various capacities to include Patrol Officer, SWAT Sniper, Firearms Instructor and is now employed as a Patrol Supervisor. John is a NRA Certified LE Firearms instructor, competitive pistol and rifle shooter. He is passionate about the right to keep and bear arms and enjoys educating citizens on the safe use of firearms for competition and self-defense.

Is Starbucks going Anti-Gun?

Guns and Coffee IMG_8505In an open letter from CEO Howard Schultz on Starbucks’ website, Shultz asks:

“…today we are respectfully requesting that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas—even in states where “open carry” is permitted—unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”

Shultz cites growing tension between the pro and anti-gun groups as well as a long standing desire just to be left out of the argument. Continue reading Is Starbucks going Anti-Gun?

HSGI Double Decker Taco – First Look


I use a wide array of rifle systems. This can be somewhat difficult when it comes time to setup my gear. One day I may be running an AK, another day it may be an AICS based rifle. The next day I may be using an AR15 or AR10. All use vastly different magazines. Of course there is the option to setup different rigs for each system. There is also the option to just purchase separate magazine pouches and swap them out for each system. A better option is the HSGI Double Decker Taco. Continue reading HSGI Double Decker Taco – First Look

Rifle Range Directory

cropped-IMG_5180_1080.jpgWe get inundated with requests from fans about where they can go to shoot long range. In order to solve this problem we are asking for your help. If you know of a range that is suitable for precision rifle shooting, please leave a comment below or send us an email at 8541tactical2 at gmail dot com. The range doesn’t have to be “long range” but at least 100 yards would be nice. Please also include the maximum range you can shoot there and some contact information (website, phone number, etc.). If you see a range listed that is no longer in service or that their maximum range has changed, please also let us know. With your help we can make this a great resource! International Shooters, this is for you too! Please be as detailed as possible with your information. Continue reading Rifle Range Directory

Aegis Armory “The Shield” Hybrid Holster Review

Aegis Armory "The Shield" Hybrid Holster in Carbon Fiber Kydex and Black Leather.
Aegis Armory “The Shield” Hybrid Holster in Carbon Fiber Kydex and Black Leather.

Recently I was contacted by Stephen at Aegis Armory, inquiring if I would like to take a look at the holsters they produce. Since carrying a handgun is a requirement of my profession (and just good common sense), I agreed. I jumped over to their Facebook page and took a look at what they offered. Continue reading Aegis Armory “The Shield” Hybrid Holster Review

The Supported Prone Position

Prone Sequence 06
Arguably the most stable and accurate rifle position is the supported prone position. Most of us began our rifle training with this position. It is one of the easier positions to master and is the primary position used in most “tactical” precision rifle matches. What better reason to start our Precision Rifle Skills Series with the Supported Prone position. Continue reading The Supported Prone Position

Triad Tactical Precision Rifle Carry Case Review

TriadDragBag_20130421_60D_16The Precision Rifle Carry Case (PRCC) is a new “drag bag” style rifle case from Triad Tactical. There are scores of drag bags on the market, but the Triad PRCC is different. Many of the drag bags I have used in the past are bulked up with added “features” not really needed for “dragging” a rifle on a stalk. The PRCC is designed with simplicity in mind. Gone is the floppy “nose cone” and strap storage compartment. Also eliminated is the snap closure that usually covers the zipper. Instead the zipper is protected by the surrounding material. Continue reading Triad Tactical Precision Rifle Carry Case Review

Remember them well.

WTC_B&WAs you go about your day today please take a moment to remember those who died on this day twelve years ago. They didn’t realize they were at war. They didn’t realize someone hated them so badly that they were willing to commit mass murder in the name of a twisted religion. Some died sitting at their desks. Others died trying to save lives. Likely none realized that was their last day to live. Take a moment to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Go about your day with a vigilant eye. Remember that somewhere, someone is planning to kill Americans simply because we are.

We will NEVER Forget. We will fight.

Magpul MS4 Dual QD Multi-Mission Sling Review

Magpul MS4 Dual QD Multi-Mission Sling (photo by John McQuay)
Magpul MS4 Dual QD Multi-Mission Sling (photo by John McQuay)

The number of sling designs on the market today are mind boggling. Only a few stand out from the sea of nylon webbing. The Magpul MS4 is one.

I first became acquainted with Magpul slings when they released the MS2. Several of our SWAT Team members purchased them. I tried them out, but since my rifle was not setup with an ASAP plate or appropriate loop, I couldn’t make use of it. The idea was sound. The single point sling was a necessity I loathed. It made switching to support side simple when flowing through a building. However when the entry was done and it was time to escort prisoners out or assist in a search I found my rifle constantly banging about. So much so that I was grateful for the groin protection on my vest. Continue reading Magpul MS4 Dual QD Multi-Mission Sling Review