We have been back from our epic road trip to the Oregon Sniper Challenge for about a week now. Just enough time to put the gear away and get back into the daily grind. I was actually shooting this match and attempting to perform to the best of my ability. This did not leave me a lot of time to shoot photos and video. Additionally there were some folks present who needed to stay out of the lens for professional reasons. This gave me a great excuse to just sit back and enjoy shooting. Terry Doi from Cold Bore Operations was acting as the match photographer/videographer and graciously provided a ton of footage and photos for us to use in our media. Terry is an excellent photographer and we are proud to be able to use his work. After the dust settled and the gear was stowed, we shot a quick “wrap up” video covering what the Oregon Sniper Challenge is and what it is not. I hope this whets your appetite for the full video to come.