
Private Instruction

When no classes are scheduled we do offer one-on-one personalized training at Redbrush Rifle Range in Newburgh, IN. Pricing is $150 for a two hour session. If you would like to check on scheduling, please email us including several possible dates that work for you. We do request that you attempt to schedule sessions 30 days in advance, however exceptions can be for special circumstances (deployments, etc.).

Course Descriptions

Basic AR15 Operators Course (One Day)
The AR15 Operators Course is designed to familiarize shooters with the most popular sporting rifle in the US. Topics covered will be zeroing the rifle, engaging targets from a variety of positions, malfunction clearing, reloading and cleaning the rifle. Register at Red Ghost Gun Shop here:

Directions to Redbrush Rifle Range

Red Brush Rifle Range is located east of Newburgh, IN, just north of Alcoa.
It is a fenced and locked range, so don’t drive out to “look around” unless you’re going with a member, or attending a scheduled match.

For GPS, the formal range address (not marked anywhere at the range) is 3299 West Eble Road, Newburgh, IN 47630. Latitude/Longitude is N37° 57.2309′, W87° 18.5671′

From the West (Evansville/Newburgh area):

Proceed east on Lloyd Expressway (SR 66) through Newburgh, turning left onto Sharon Road at the Marathon gas station stoplight. Proceed on Sharon Road 3.3 miles to a stop sign at the 4-lane SR 61. Proceed across SR 61, as Sharon Road turns into Eble Road. Proceed east on Eble Road 0.7 miles to the gated range entrance on the right. (Be careful crossing the railroad tracks as there is no crossing gate, and this is an actively used rail spur.)

From the East (Yankeetown area):

Proceed west on SR 66 to SR 61 (at the entrance to Alcoa). Turn right onto SR 61, and drive 1.5 miles north, watching for the intersection with Sharon Road on the left and Eble Road on the right. Turn right onto Eble road, and proceed east on Eble Road 0.7 miles to the gated range entrance on the right. (Be careful crossing the railroad tracks as there is no crossing gate, and this is an actively used rail spur.)

6 thoughts on “Training”

  1. John,

    Any plan for future classes? Or is one on one training the only option in the for seeable future?

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