Today was a reminder on why I recommend cleaning a new barrel.
I just got done assembling and oiling up a new AR. I was going down my checklist and remembered that I had not punched the bore yet. Since this is not a precision rifle, I don’t worry with the Dewey rods and bore guides. I grabbed a Boresnake and pulled it through. The amount of crud that came out of the other end was amazing. I gave the snake a couple more passes before I was satisfied that any debris was gone. I can’t say for sure exactly what it was that came out of the barrel, but I am positive it was not something I wanted drug through by a bullet going 3000+ fps.
No matter what the origin of a rifle, clean the barrel before your first firing. Machining debris, packing material and other amazing items all have a way of slipping into the barrel. You don’t want to destroy your new rifle because a piece of silica gel wedged itself in the bore during shipping.
Good advice concerning a matter that is often overlooked.
good tip…..
John, question on the brake you choose. I like it as it is very low profile and adds little length to the rifle. Have you had any experience with the 7.62 version?
Chad, after our experience with the 5.56 version, I am planning on giving the 7.62 version a try.