The Blackhawk! Omnivore holster has a huge number of advantages. It accepts an incredibly wide range of handguns without any adjustment. However, for those of us who run a large number of Safariland holsters, there is one drawback.
The Omnivore uses a different hole spacing from the Safariland ecosystem.
Blackhawk! does have their own SERPA QD system, but that is equally non-compatible with the Safariland system. If you are just starting out, that isn’t a big deal. Select the Blackhawk system and be done. However, if you already have duty belts and rigs setup with the Safariland QLS system, this is somewhat annoying.
A simple solution is to modify the Safariland QLS plate to attach to the Omnivore holster. Continue reading Blackhawk! Omnivore Holster QLS Upgrade